Original poem #81

Wednesday Water Therapy

i am aflame
weighted organically
 atomically as my myriad self
molecules and muons

human reality
 is likened to algal blooms
fronds on a lake
 to be accurate

surely this isn't a poem


Untitled, original poem #79

can only be moved 
 on the surface
so many
 of these earth-clod gods

i can not swim their current
 and stay the course myself
my waters and my world

can't speak and swim
and there's nothing left to say

how will i know the one
i should have never come


Untitled, original poem #77

those clouds
those swift
  rushing clouds

did they record
 that bygone name
imprint it in raindrops
brush its syllables
 up mountains
  over oceans
to wander
 with the winds of time

does his dying breath
 still linger in my air

those clouds
those silent
